Butyl adhesive tape for yachting window sealing applications
Butyl tapes used for water way linings
Butyl tape adhesives for dam linings
Butyl adhesives used in drainage pipe applications
Butyl tapes for synthetic grass preparation
Water Proofing Membranes
OptiSeal have developed their own waterproofing system using a butyl membrane.
Ideal for balconies, bathrooms and all wet areas.
Priming a screeded shower base
Setting-up Sheet Membrane before removal of release liner
Partial removal of Sheet Membrane release liner
Removal of second half of Sheet Membrane release liner
Finish detail, drain and corner
Application of liquid membrane with brush
Application of liquid membrane with a roller
Installing Sheet Membrane strip to wall/floor joint for use as a bond-breaker
This product is only available through accredited installers. Whether interested in becoming an accredited installer or simply finding out more about this system please contact us for further details, by phone or email: